Routines and Procedures

  Agendas - Each child will fill out the daily homework in their agenda.  Please sign or initial indicating that you have seen the assignments every day. The agenda is a good place to jot me a note as well.
Due dates - If a child does not turn in his or her homework on time and does not bring in a note regarding it, they will take time out of class to call home or write a note in their behavior log. Please check your messages if you are away from home during the day or sign the behavior log. The purpose of the call is so you know the homework was not turned in,. You can determine appropriate consequences and see that it is brought in the next day.
Take home folders: Any day that the students have homework or notices to bring home those papers should be in their take home folders. Generally, graded papers are sent home on the first day of the week. However, many assignments are in notebooks or workbooks that don't usually go home. You are welcome to request to see such things as the reading workbook or writing folder whenever you'd like.              Spelling: Each week, we will have a vocabulary test on 20 words pertaining to our unit of study.  We will have 2 homework assignments on spelling every week and a vocabulary test on Friday.